OHA together with Evive

1 year free Evive subscription! Use Access Code: OHA

1 year free Evive subscription!
Use Access Code: OPGR

Download the App

Download the app from the Apple or Google store.

Download the App

Download the app from the Apple or Google store.

Download the App

Download the app from the Apple or Google store.

Create your profile

Download the app from the Apple or Google store.

Create your profile

Download the app from the Apple or Google store.

Create your profile

Download the app from the Apple or Google store.

Enter the Access Code

And get 12 months for free!

Access Code:


Enter the Access Code

And get 12 months for free!

Access Code:


Enter the Access Code

And get 12 months for free!

Access Code:


How OHA & Evive empowers you

Behavioral Tracking

Better understand your own gambling behavior to help achieve your specific goal-whether you're looking to prevent, reduce, or recover from gambling harm.


Knowledge that enables you to build a life free from gambling.

Custom Toolkit

Manage an urge, maintain your cool, and access the resources you need, all at the touch of a button.

Make a bet on yourself

Immediate, tailored help for lasting change

1st Year FREE! Use Access Code: OHA

Make a bet on yourself

Immediate, tailored help for lasting change

1st Year FREE! Use Access Code: OHA

Make a bet on yourself

Immediate, tailored help for lasting change

1st Year FREE! Use Access Code: OHA